Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to make hair thicker

The density of hair depends on the number of hair follicles, this value is determined genetically, and many experts believe that to make hair thicker does not help no treatment (unless you decided to transplant the hair). On average, the scalp is composed of 100-150 thousand follicles. In their hair develop, grow, and then fall. Under normal conditions, the formation and growth, we lose a day to 100 hairs. However, there are many reasons that slow growth, thinning hair and promotes hair loss. Among other things, the most dangerous "aggressors" are frequent staining, heat treatment, stress and diseases associated with dysfunction of any internal organs. 
On methods, which allow you to increase thickness of hair both natural and artificial means, we will describe in this article. 
Thick hair by medicine 
If your hair is thick enough, drop out and lose their vitality, try to use expert advice, tips doctors trichologists. It is possible that not all hair follicles were proper development, so some of them were "sleeping". Enhance their ability to live will help massage the scalp, which should be carried out with light circular movements. In beauty salons, such a procedure is usually with the use of reinforcing and stimulant drugs, protein and micronutrients. One such tool is «Hairtonic», it is so harmless that it is recommended even for small children and lactating women. 
Often to make hair thicker, prescribe moisturizing mask. For example, you can take one mask ShanShan (depending on hair length, number of masks can increase to 3-4), squeeze out the contents of all tubes, supplied in a bowl, add vitamins A and E and essential oil (preferably orange) . Mask is enough to hold 30-40 minutes, the procedure is carried out once a week. But if the hair is just so lifeless and listless, and two possible. 
Also, if you suddenly noticed that her hair is not so thick as before, doctors are advised to pay attention to your diet: enough protein, vitamins, amino acids and gets your body? Thus, amino acids are essential for the growth of thick, healthy hair. Cause abnormal development of hair follicles and the follicle may be a lack of vitamins and minerals, including iron. It should also make sure that your body is constantly receiving it needs vitamin B and C, as well as vitamins E and R. 
Trichologists often recommend Indian Oil Amla Hair Oil, it is well nourishes and strengthens hair and increases their growth. The hair is less confused and become noticeably thicker in diameter. It should be applied to the hair overnight unless of course you soak this spicy scent. 
How to make hair thick: recommendations for hairdressers 
But if you had your doctor is convinced that medicine is powerless in the fight for your fluffy hair, but you yourself have already thoroughly spoil the already pathetic strands, then fix it is quite possible, contact the beauty salon. There you recommend a hairstyle that will make your hair lush, styling or shampoo is suitable for increasing the hair. 
By the way, shampoo is best to choose a liquid and transparent, since the content of coloring matter in it is minimal. The only exceptions are shampoo with silk proteins, they simply can not be transparent. We draw your attention to the fact that it is desirable to sidestep detergents with the inscription "for mixed types of hair." If you are unsure which category your hair is better to prefer a shampoo for "all types". For example, the remarkable properties has shampoo Styx: suitable for hair with any structure, strengthens and stimulates growth. Shampoo is very thick, so it should be diluted with water before you apply on your hair. 
Likewise, you may be asked to use the air conditioners that add volume. By selecting this tool, you must pay attention to how much of it natural ingredients. For example, a minimum of chemicals found in air conditioners Japanese Toho Ropian Fruit. After its application hair is lush and easy to comb. Such funds are also in the lines and Vichy Lerak.
Artificial hair extensions 
In addition to cosmetic care in the salons, you can also offer a simple technical tool: hair extensions. 
Services for the artificial hair extensions provide many hairdressers in any city. This way you can easily change not only density, but also the length, color and even the structure of hair, it would be time and money. 
Modern technology building is that, at some distance from the roots of your hair to attach additional positive strand. You can wash them, paint, model, and lay on your taste, just like their own "living" hair. The safest and most effective are four technologies: Italian, Spanish (Rueber), English and capacity to use metal-clips. 
Building on the Italian and British technology - a hot method. This means that more locks are attached to your hair with melting tar, heated to a certain temperature. Spanish technology differs in that instead of resin, it uses a glue Rueber. The safest of these methods is increasing with the use of ceramic-metal clips. Additional strands simply clips on your hair with metal rings, with no adhesives and heat treatment. 
On average, Hair extensions can be worn 4 months, then must make a correction. 
Grandma's recipe for increasing density of hair 
In addition to all above listed, you will always remain popular recipes tested by the generation of our grandmothers. They are really very much for all tastes: masks, ointments, wash. You can try indefinitely, and perhaps you will find what is most like your hair. 
For example, scalp massage can be done at home, instead of chemical means to take the cedar oil (it is sold in drugstores). It must apply to the scalp in circular massaging movements for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 
If you are used to wash my hair every day (which, incidentally, is not highly recommended by experts), then you will approach a mixture of 1 teaspoon of castor and burdock oil and 2 tsp lemon juice. Wash off immediately after the massage. 
It will be good to stimulate hair growth and nourish the scalp such a composition: 2 tbsp dried mint, basil, rosemary and sage (all herbs are sold in pharmacies), 3 drops of peppermint essential oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 cups natural apple cider vinegar. If your hair is dry, the amount of vinegar can be reduced. Included in the grass needed to crush and pour oil and vinegar. Infuse in a glass jar for 2 weeks, then strain. In a dark container product can be stored for about a year. 2 tablespoons received infusion should be diluted in a glass of warm water and rub into the scalp once a week massage movements. You can wash away the next day or two. 
Hair mask 
The masks differ from ointments that keep their skin and hair should be no less than half an hour, and apply no more than 2 times a week. So if you have a couple extra hours that can be spent exclusively on himself, then we recommend the following steps. Mix egg yolk, a tablespoon of yeast in bricks and a tablespoon of broth of herbs that best suits you. For example, you can take Calendula reddish hair, camomile - for light, nettle, oak bark, or St. John's Wort - for the dark. The mixture was put in a warm place to come yeast. It takes at least an hour. Then pour in to get a lot Art. teaspoon burdock oil and 10 drops of aromatic oil of your choice. While mask is warm, put it on the entire length of hair from the roots and cover the head with polyethylene for 30-40 minutes. Try all this time to be in heat. Washed off the mask is very easy and acts as a gentle shampoo nourishes hair and stimulates their growth. Such treatment is better than a course: 10 sessions, once every three days, then take a break for two months. 
Another effective recipe, it masks based on pine nuts and oil. Take a handful of pine nuts, carefully mash (best in a wooden mortar, or even a wooden pestle), adding a little water so that a thick porridge. Then this mass lay out in a ceramic pot and place in oven for 30 minutes (the temperature in the oven should be 150 C). You should get a mixture that resembles milk. It must be rubbed into the scalp every day for two weeks, then take a break for two months. 
Well-stimulating hair growth mask for the next recipe. Grind 0,5 glasses of sweet almond oil, to dilute a small amount of milk until the consistency of sour cream. Apply on hair for 2 hours, then wash off. Procedure should be carried out once a week within a month. 
Hair to become thicker, you can also apply a mask of honey, burdock oil, and egg yolks. For cooking at home, you need to take a 1 egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of brandy and a tablespoon burdock oil. All mix gently, apply on the scalp and hair, shook his film for 2 hours. The mask is well washed with shampoo, stimulates hair follicles, and restores their structure. 
For lovers of herbal rinse can recommend a decoction of nettles, calendula and burdock. They are also good restore damaged hair and stimulate metabolism, which is very important for the "awakening" of new follicles, of course, if any. We recall that, before using natural or chemical means, make sure you are not allergic to their constituent parts. 
In general, down with thin hair! Thick, healthy hair, giving a unique image of your femininity, will forever be in vogue. All at your fingertips: Choose, learn, try!

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